US Property Investing – Mar 29th, 2019

G’day all

Happy Friday! Wow what a week its been! For us, we have seen some unprecedented growth in the past few months and have now just brought on a business coach (big shout out to Ben Slater!!) to help us grow the team and business effectively. Exciting times ahead – watch this space!

I must admit I absolutely loved one of his diagrams on the balance of life – the YIN and the YANG essentially. How so many of us sometimes focus on the masculine side of the YANG (business/career, wealth/finance, intellect) but so often miss or forget the feminine side of the YIN (health, social, family). It’s so easy to do.

Only though, when you have all 6 of these areas in balance, do you really achieve the elusive 7th – Intimacy. Now essentially this is referring to Intimacy with life, which you may translate to happiness, fulfillment or even peace and often if you are finding that you do not have this, look to the other 6 areas and see which of these maybe you are neglecting?

Every day, we need to ensure to nurture each of these 6 areas of life, just a touch in each is enough, but don’t let any of them slip away. Even if it is just a call to your parents or loved ones weekly, our touch base with that great friend you haven’t spoke to for a while. What are you doing in the Health aspect of life? Gym, yoga, Pilates or even simply a healthy diet – this all makes a huge difference. Yes we can help with the business or wealth side, but only you can look to the others (essentially Pillars of life) and ensure you are also moving forward in each.

Here is a copy of the image below. Save a copy or print it out and look at it daily! It was seriously a game-changer for me! And for any further information on this – look up Ben Slater and his LeadFlow program for the Seed of Life – wow! (or click on the image below)

Have a great weekend all and Happy Investing!!



US Property Investing – Mar 22nd, 2019

G’day all

Footy season is back! For some of us it can be a very exciting time, chance to see your team again this year run around the park, possibly look to do better than last year. Others sigh, and prepare for a long 6 months of try to get your partner to watch something on weekends other than sport…

I have some great friends of mine coming from the US to visit our great country next week, and we are planning on spending some time showing them around Oz. Its a fabulous opportunity to show the best of our land, and can really remind us how much of a fantastic country we live in, and to some degree how much we take for granted.

In our day to day grind of life, sometimes we can lose sight of what is important; caught up with all the busy-ness of everything; the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. We need to always remember the reason WHY we are doing all this.

As quick as I will be one of the first ones to tell you all about the benefits of investing in the US market, property investing is just a tool, a vehicle that is designed to take us or get us to a destination. In my case it is the chance to see more of our country, to not just spend 1 or 2 days on a weekend out but whenever or wherever we want in this beautiful land of ours. Visit those wine regions (Barossa was fantastic by the way hehe), go to the Blue Mountains, hire a catamaran from Airlie Beach and sail the Whitsundays, visit Uluru or maybe is just being able to see more of your footy team play live. To me, its all about enjoying the great land we have.

Whats your WHY?

If you want to chat about helping determine an investment strategy including incorporating US property into your portfolio, jump over to our website below and book a call with me or jump on our webinar!

Have a great weekend all and Happy Investing!!



US Property Investing – Mar 15th, 2019

G’day all!

Autumn here and in some parts of the country you certainly wouldn’t know it! Just coming back from Brisbane and North QLD this week, with hot and humid temperatures and almost a heatwave in Brisbane, it was good to get back to a more temperate environment 🙂

As the US also head into their springtime, in a number of parts of the country the snow is clearing and sun starts to shine more. Daylight saving time has just commenced as well in the US and we here in Oz will look forward to ours finishing now, giving possibly a little more light in the mornings to us southern early risers!

Even though there are also some huge differences between Australia and the US in relation to the property markets, in some cases many things can follow the same rules. With the US also enjoying market growth over the past few years (albeit a more steady growth than we saw here in AU) they are finding the more expensive markets starting to soften, as we are here in Australia. Now, while the US is seeing what I would suggest is a normal property cycle softening (some areas are still booming – like Michigan!) the Australian market appears to be more on the back of very difficult credit times – with the banking royal commission kind of a Straw vs Camel’s Back scenario.

I noticed just this week, that the government have done a back-flip on pushing the banks to removing trailing commissions for Mortgage brokers and I think this is a good move. The massive reduction in competition that the virtual demise of the mortgage brokering industry would have seen (really, not too many would have paid brokers thousands up front to find them a good mortgage even though it still could have saved them tens of thousands!) has now been avoided and banks will still need to keep the pencils sharp with their offerings! Ahh, fun times to be a global investor right now hey!!!

On the back of all this, we are seeing huge influx of new clients now, wanting to invest some funds into US property, to at least diversify the portfolios with the softening markets and I can say this is a sound strategy! If you want to book a spot before we fill up, jump over to our website below today!

Have a great weekend all and happy investing !!



US Property Investing – Mar 5th, 2019

G’day all!

So, here it is Tuesday morning as I write this, I’m sitting in the beautiful Barossa wine region on a spectacular day, and thinking this is what it is all about. The ability to take time out of the busy lives and sit and enjoy life for a while. We often get so caught up in the day to day, urgency and busy-ness, that it is so easy to forget why we are doing this altogether. The old saying that “its easy to forget why your draining the swamp when your up to your neck in alligators”

The returns are nice, money is nice, but really isn’t what we are all after is time? Flexibility to be able to do what we what, when we want? If we want to work on some investment deals, or on the portfolio, we do, if we want to sit in the Barossa on a warm day and sip wine, we can.

When things get difficult and plans don’t always work out, it can be so easy to wonder why are we doing all this. It is the “why” that we need to keep forefront of our minds so that when difficulties arise we can push through, because we remember the “why”

I know a lot of people always harp on it, but the truth is we really need to find that “why”. It’s the why that is going to give you the strength to push through barriers, get over the obstacles, move on and keep going. If its time with the family, holidays, buying a winery in the Adelaide Hills…whatever it, find it, stick it on the fridge, up in your office, look at it all the time, keep it in the forefront of your mind and make it happen!

Ok, off to try another Shiraz!

Have a great week all and happy investing !!



US Property Investing – Feb 15th 2019

G’day all!

Here we are half way through February already and who’s with me asking “Where is this year going?!” Maybe it is something that happens as we get older, time seems to go by faster. I even had my 15 year old son mention to me last night on the way home, “that he felt at the current rate of time movement, the weekend would be over in an hour!” haha! Now, I’m not certain that’s a fact, but it certainly can sometimes feel like it. We do though, need to be careful that we are not putting off things that we need to do NOW, until tomorrow. We find that as the days turn to weeks then months, the old saying “tomorrow never comes” gets more and more true. We go through our days, working and trying to make a living, but forget that we need to also take time to make a life! Same as any business coach would give you advice on your business, transpose that into your daily life – don’t forget to put some time aside from working IN your life and work ON your life. Set those goals, do something that takes you a step towards them each day, week, month before the year catches us again!

Now, so far we have covered 3 of the 4-pack of the “traits of the successful”. As Meatloaf says “3 out of 4 ain’t bad!” Oh wait, maybe he said 2 out of 3…anyway, i digress. Now we are up to our 4th and last trait – Commitment.

Successful people aren’t gifted, they are “gritty”. Grit is the commitment to do whatever it takes to succeed. I think we have a myth currently that when we see someone successful, whether it be in sport, or music, movies, or business, we feel that they are “gifted”, something they have been born with or an advantage they have. If you dig deeper behind the scenes, more often than not you will find that their success was not a overnight thing, but was down to the commitment they had. Looking deeper, when most people gave up and rested, the successful people kept moving, kept pushing, kept trying. They practised, tried, worked, failed, got up, tried again, over and over. Their commitment to do what it took to succeed is what set them apart from the others, its what allowed them to rise to the top of their field. Its this commitment to ourselves, commitment to our goals and commitment to our future that we need to have. Combined with the other traits – Focus, Disciple, and Determination, the commitment will allow you to see it through and win!

If you are committed to making a change this year to your financial future and want to start investing in property or want to add high cashflow properties to your portfolio, we would love to help. For any more information on what Star Dynamic Property Investments can do for you follow the link below to our website or Facebook page and check us out!

Have a great weekend all and happy investing !!

