US Property Investing – Mar 5th, 2019

G’day all!

So, here it is Tuesday morning as I write this, I’m sitting in the beautiful Barossa wine region on a spectacular day, and thinking this is what it is all about. The ability to take time out of the busy lives and sit and enjoy life for a while. We often get so caught up in the day to day, urgency and busy-ness, that it is so easy to forget why we are doing this altogether. The old saying that “its easy to forget why your draining the swamp when your up to your neck in alligators”

The returns are nice, money is nice, but really isn’t what we are all after is time? Flexibility to be able to do what we what, when we want? If we want to work on some investment deals, or on the portfolio, we do, if we want to sit in the Barossa on a warm day and sip wine, we can.

When things get difficult and plans don’t always work out, it can be so easy to wonder why are we doing all this. It is the “why” that we need to keep forefront of our minds so that when difficulties arise we can push through, because we remember the “why”

I know a lot of people always harp on it, but the truth is we really need to find that “why”. It’s the why that is going to give you the strength to push through barriers, get over the obstacles, move on and keep going. If its time with the family, holidays, buying a winery in the Adelaide Hills…whatever it, find it, stick it on the fridge, up in your office, look at it all the time, keep it in the forefront of your mind and make it happen!

Ok, off to try another Shiraz!

Have a great week all and happy investing !!

