US Property Investing – Mar 29th, 2019

G’day all

Happy Friday! Wow what a week its been! For us, we have seen some unprecedented growth in the past few months and have now just brought on a business coach (big shout out to Ben Slater!!) to help us grow the team and business effectively. Exciting times ahead – watch this space!

I must admit I absolutely loved one of his diagrams on the balance of life – the YIN and the YANG essentially. How so many of us sometimes focus on the masculine side of the YANG (business/career, wealth/finance, intellect) but so often miss or forget the feminine side of the YIN (health, social, family). It’s so easy to do.

Only though, when you have all 6 of these areas in balance, do you really achieve the elusive 7th – Intimacy. Now essentially this is referring to Intimacy with life, which you may translate to happiness, fulfillment or even peace and often if you are finding that you do not have this, look to the other 6 areas and see which of these maybe you are neglecting?

Every day, we need to ensure to nurture each of these 6 areas of life, just a touch in each is enough, but don’t let any of them slip away. Even if it is just a call to your parents or loved ones weekly, our touch base with that great friend you haven’t spoke to for a while. What are you doing in the Health aspect of life? Gym, yoga, Pilates or even simply a healthy diet – this all makes a huge difference. Yes we can help with the business or wealth side, but only you can look to the others (essentially Pillars of life) and ensure you are also moving forward in each.

Here is a copy of the image below. Save a copy or print it out and look at it daily! It was seriously a game-changer for me! And for any further information on this – look up Ben Slater and his LeadFlow program for the Seed of Life – wow! (or click on the image below)

Have a great weekend all and Happy Investing!!

