This weeks education piece, I thought we would look more generic and put in an article from recent Forbes Magazine (or is that eZine these days? or iZine says Apple? Anyway I digress)
Over this Christmas, New Year break it can be a good time to reflect and look at setting up for 2019 for your wealth strategies. Firstly as I mention briefly before, we are finally putting the finishing touches on our online Flipping Academy! If you have ever wanted to know how to source, renovate and sell your own “Fix and flip” property then this will be for you! Stay tuned early January for details on how to get onboard!
Secondly, it can be good to look at what makes a good Real Estate Investor. Why do more than 70% of investors never get more than 1 property, never really see the wealth that Real Estate can bring? This article can show what qualities you may have or can work on 🙂
Click the button below for the full article from “Forbes” or you will also find it posted on our Facebook site – Enjoy !!
Read The Article Here