How To Take Advantage of the MASSIVE Opportunities in the  U.S. Property Market From Anywhere In The World…

( With Confidence and Support ! )

From The Desk Of Lindsay Stewart

Patterson Lakes, Victoria, Australia.
Dear Aspiring Investor,
You know there are going to be some INCREDIBLE opportunities in the U.S. Property Market for astute investors in the next 12 months!
If you’d like to know how to take advantages of these in the next few months…
Without leaving your full-time job…
So you can create the income and lifestyle freedom you crave…
From the comfort of your living room or office…
Then this will be the most important letter you read all year.
Because I’m going to gift you my brand new course – The Fix & Flip Academy  – absolutely free, so you can do exactly that Inside, I show you the same step-by-step process I’ve used to go from a total newbie, to purchasing over hundreds of US properties in just 4 years.
Without moving overseas.
And the same system I’ve shared with hundreds of clients, to help them flip their own properties (some with a 20% OR MORE return on their investment).
That way, you can have the same tools you’ll need to turn your dream of flipping a property into your reality in the next few months.
Even better…
I show you how to avoid the countless hours of trial and error using the exact steps I now take.
And along with that…
I reveal my step-by-step Fix & Flip Academy Training Program so you can manage your first Fix & Flip Project WITHOUT lifting a hammer.
That way – you can have everything you need and have your project well onto completion in the next few months instead of years from now.
I’ll tell you more about how this is possible in a moment, including everything you’re getting in the free program.
But, before I do…
And before I explain why I’m giving you my new program for free…
There are two important things you’ve got to know…

    I’m Only Giving Away 100 Spots Inside
     The Fix & Flip Academy Project For Free

The reason?

I’m going to throw in some coaching with this offer (more on that in a minute) which limits the amount of people a lot.

I need to sleep too, after all

So if you’re interested in learning the skills in creating high cashflow wealth through investing in U.S. Property into a high massive passive income you’ll have for life…

Then read all the way through this letter right now otherwise next time you visit this page…

The Program free spots could be gone!

With that being said…
The second thing you’ve got to know is…
Now is the right time to invest in the U.S. 
I’m glad you asked 

Here’s Why 2020 Is The Best Time To
Fix and Flip Your First U.S. Property!

Here’s the truth…
In 2020 the real estate market in the mid-west U.S. is a very lucrative venture.
This decade represents a unique period in Real Estate in the U.S. Since the GFC, the mindset of the average American, and particularly that of the Millennial has changed.
Being such a highly capitalist economy, the JOB is everything, and the average American understands they will have to travel to get a good job, or travel to ensure their kids are in good schools so they can get a good job. Buying a house and keeping for long periods of time for growth is no longer a strategy that is foremost in their minds, unlike here in Oz.
Millennial’s particularly, are finding it easier to rent wherever they choose to live, and buy numerous rental properties within the mid-west, for CASH FLOW!
There are many areas in the U.S., that you can bank a solid 10% to 15% positive rental return after the expense.

Pretty crazy, right?

It’s a huge return and that’s why NOW is the time to get your slice of this pie. Which is exactly why you’ll love The Fix & Flip Academy…

Using my unique strategies inside the program, I show you how to take advantage of this opportunity big time…

Here’s How The Fix & Flip Academy 
IS Going to Help You Fix and Flip Your First, Easy,
Profitable U.S. Property…

And in this course, we will teach you how to identify these areas that are guaranteed to make you a solid 10 – 15% positive rental return after the expense or generate 20 – 25% manufactured equity in the property from renovation.

***And there are strategies we use to help you do that…

Strategies that are different from any other ‘fix & flip’ program out there…

Here’s Everything You’re Getting Inside
The Fix & Flip Academy Project For Free…

The Fix & Flip Academy Training is an online, step-by-step training program with eight incredible modules…

Each walks you, step-by-step through the entire process and everything I’ve discovered from doing over 100 Fix and Flip properties (and helping my students do the same)…
This is an action academy!

From set up your team on the ground;

To sourcing your property;
To Renovating your property;
To Tenanting the property;
To Sell a property!
What is invaluable is to take this knowledge and apply it.
And earn good profits.
This experience priceless and set you up for wealth.  
They say knowledge is power; I say it’s in the application of knowledge where there is real power!
It’s all in there!
Every secret.
Every tactic.
Every strategy.
I’ve outlined the entire process so that you can take it and apply it in your journey to wealth.
I’ve recorded over 50 videos…
Working through each module…
Lead you through the entire process…
This is an active, practical course, to enable you to implement the steps as you move through the modules.
So let’s have a closer look now at what you’re going to get inside…

Module 1: Finding A Location

How to find a Good Location in the U.S.
This is one of the most important points of the academy.
You’re going to love this first section!
This is more designed to get you thinking about where you want your portfolio to branch out to.
Most importantly, put your ‘logic’ hats away and your ‘emotional’ hat on.
I know sounds like an oxymoron in investing.
Passion and emotion here will be key!
You will save many wasted hours by choosing the location right for you and that you have an affinity for.
Once you have chosen your area, you can then start the analysis…
You will develop some great research skills that will put you in good stead for:
and more…
I’ll show you some fantastic tools to help you determine particular pockets in your market that will have good, solid investments.
You will develop some great research skills.
This decision can greatly affect your success depending on a number of key criteria you will learn… 
Now that you know the location you want to invest in my second strategy…

Module 2: Building Your Team

How to find and build your team on the ground!

I show you the most critical and important step to do and do well. You want to manage your project from home right…

Module 3 – Asset Protection

I open your eyes to the risks and help you understand what you can discuss with your legal team.


This is crucial!
I definitely understand that Asset protection and insurances etc is not the most fun topic for most of us! It is though one of the most important topics to help mitigate as much risk as possible on the investments.
  • How to have a strategy in place for Asset Protection.
  • How to create structures…most common method how to create your Limited Liability Company (LLC).
  • Understand the process of creating bank accounts in the US…there are stringent laws in place.
  • No Asset protection module would be complete without a quick mention of insurances… Once you have purchased a property you will then want to put in place insurance on the property to protect you against damage or fire on the property etc, so you do not lose your funds in purchasing.

Module 4 – Sourcing Your Property

Finding the deals and doing your due diligence on them, so with an interest in real estate (I guess you wouldn’t be here otherwise!) this is the fun stuff!

  • I show you what types of properties to look for… and more importantly, how to know if any particular deal is good.
  • I will show you through where I started… how to find and source properties ‘retail’ or ‘on market’.
  • I will run through actual examples… of how I research, and find good deals and I will go through the actual Maximum Allowable Offer Calculator (MAO) I use to determine if a deal is good.
  • How to Search for Properties…finding great deals.
  • How to make offers… with great negotiation strategies.
  • You will learn my Wholesale Sourcing Strategies… Now there is another way to source properties and good deals that can be a little be…well maybe not ‘easier’ but certainly less ‘legwork’. That is to access the wholesale market in the US.
  • Walk you through the Traps and Pitfalls…yes, I have hit them all so you do not have to. Simple to work with when you are aware of them.
  • Due Diligence and Feasibilities’… 
  • You will learn my personal Feasibility calculator… I will run through my feasibility calculator and how to fill out the main page and determine profit targets
  • You will use my checklist…of things to make sure you double check when looking at properties to purchase
  • Running your Values and Comparables…I will run a live example here of how to determine comparable values or Market Value of the properties you are looking at purchasing. This is the best way to be more confident in the market value after repairs, or what is known as the After Repair Value (ARV) of the property.

Module 5 – Purchasing the Property

I will show you my easy 4 step process in purchasing the property. You have the money and you have found the house. Here are the next steps:

  • Having a good Title company as part of your team…they make sure everything works together, give you counsel and good advice.
  • Getting Clear Title… free of liens and clear to purchase – no nasty surprises here!
  • Wiring the Funds…you will know exactly how to arrange payment.
  • Closing date…documents needed & closing statement is written up closer to the settlement date.

Module 6 – Arranging and Managing the Rehab

Oh wow, now you’re really getting into the nuts and bolts as it were! Or should I say, hammer and nails? 

I will cover the full process here from start to finish, from your renovation plan, right through to managing the contractors and ensuring full completion ON TIME and ON BUDGET! And From YOUR HOME!
  • Overview of the Rehab…what a rehab project looks like from start to finish and how to plan it out – including our exclusive REHAB FLOWCHART.
  • Scope of Works… how to develop and design a scope of works document to ensure your contractors know EXACTLY what you want done with the project…this is critical to your success.
  • Contractors & Management Teams…how to find and manage good contractors and whether hiring management teams on the grounds is valuable.
  • Arranging Quotes & Contracts…how to get good solid quotes from contractors for your work, and ensure their pencil is SHARP!
  • The Rehab!…managing the work, the project and the contractors correctly to ensure everything is done right, first time, to the standard you are after…no surprises!
  • Example and Case Study…I will even walk you through an actual example of a property I rehabbed, how we did it, how it went and hints and tips to look out for.

Module 7 – Selling Strategies

All this would be for nought if you cannot sell or tenant your property to realise cashflow! I run through here a number of strategies to ensure you get good tenants, paying top dollar for your property… and then how to sell to maximise your return if you wish. I will teach you everything including:

  • Owner Occupier Selling Strategies…for the nice fix & flip properties, how to target and WOW your buyers.
  • Tenanting and Selling as an investment…if you’re looking to tenant your property for cashflow or then to on sell as an investment to another investor, I will walk you through the strategies to ensure you get the best tenants, paying top dollar for your property to ensure the highest cashflow…or then sell as an attractive investment.
  • Listing your property…how to list your properties, dealing with agents and even comparing ‘on market’ with ‘off market’ strategies…its all here!
  • Sold!…Bang…gone…sold! What to expect, realisation of profits and tying up everything in your project.

Module 8 – Your Portfolio Strategy

All this is great, and next I will show you how to repeat this and go again, and again, and again! Treat this as a business that with an investment of time, and funds, can begin to return for you a massive cashflow or ROI on your investments!

Re-invest into your business to skyrocket your returns and build long term, secure wealth.
Exciting, right?
As I said – I’ve given you everything you need to Fix and Flip your first easy and profitable investment property in the USA to profit from your investment right from your first Fix and Flip Property. And right from YOUR HOME!
But wait…
We’re not done yet!

You’re Also Getting These Super Special (& Super Limited) Bonuses for Free!

Bonus #1 Your very own US Investment Strategy Consult – call (value $497)

This one is huge!
Here’s why…
Without a sound, solid strategy behind you to start with, most investors are doomed to fail…
Now I know that’s harsh, but reality.
Even in buoyant, hot markets like Australia, so many buy the wrong properties, in the wrong areas, with negative returns or growth…
And no idea how to get out if it.
We make sure you don’t make this mistake by sitting down with you.
You clarify your US Investment Strategy FIRST, before spending a cent on a property.
Ensuring you have your goals clearly in mind and only invest in property that will get you closer to your goals.

Bonus #2 – Developing your U.S. Investment Strategy Course (value $997)


Given this is so important. 
We have a separate course just on how to develop your own US investment strategy,
and you get this FREE
Learn the 4 best strategies THAT WORK within the US market.
All tried and tested.
How to implement, types of properties to look for and returns to expect, benefits and drawbacks of each.
A must for any investor wanting to get into the US market.

Bonus #3 – Goal Setting and Mindset Training Course – (value $997)

Strategies, properties, investments, profits…all underpinned buy one most important aspect…

As Roger Clemens, one of the most successful pitchers in US Major League Baseball history said…
Anything is possible with the right mindset…”
This is the foundation upon which everything else is built, the core element which everything else is crafted from.
You will learn:
  • How to maintain balance in your life – the Yin and the Yang 
  • A daily accountability system for you to use to empower the 7 key areas of life
  • Intimacy and why it is so important in life
  • And so much more…

And the best part?

It’s yours free if you’re one of the first 100 to jump in today.
Sound good?
With that being said…

Here’s That “Catch” I Know You’ve Been

Looking For
Now you’re probably wondering…

“This is all sounds awesome Lindsay, and I’m totally interested!” But there’s one question I have left…
”Why are you giving me $20,000.00 worth of training, normally $1,997 for free?!
It’s a great question.
And the truth is…
There is a small catch.
You see…
If you’re one of the first 100, I really am giving you The Fix & Flip Academy for free when you jump today…
And why am I doing this?
It’s simple…

I’m Doing This As A Shame-Free “No Brainer” Bribe To Join Me Inside The Investors Inner Circle 

What’s The Investors Inner Circle?

Well allow me to explain 
The Investors Inner Circle is an exclusive community unlike ANY you’ve experienced before…
Inside you will meet Investors from all around the country.  They are all on their own missions to impact their lives, using their learning and support in this community for their investments.
And They’ve jumped into my Investors Inner Circle to connect, to share,  and most importantly…
Because they want a guaranteed path to success.

They want to get access to me and my team, every week, so they can get the advice and feedback they need to move their profitable lifestyles forward…
And be certain that what they’re doing is what they should be doing to succeed in their Investments, profitably.

Here’s Why This Is Important To You…

When you take me up on my offer to get The Fix & Flip Academy,  

You’re getting every secret weapon…
Every strategy…
Every tactic…
And every hack that made me and my students so successful in their profitable property investments in the U.S.
It’s true.
And what’s also true, is that no matter how much information I give you…
There’s always going to be bumps along the way!
Or maybe more like landmines you don’t see coming that…
Could derail your road to property investment success.
Going it alone is a recipe for disaster.
Trust me, I’ve done it and because of that…I’ve lost years (and hundreds of thousands of dollars) in the process 
So, I would feel a bit unethical simply giving you my course for free without also giving you the continued support you actually need…
To make sure your Fix and Flip Project is a huge success!
So whether it’s:
  • A review of a deal you have sourced
  • A question about creating a scope of work
  • Feedback on how to manage contractors
  • Advice on how to get the most out of a flip
  • Or even something as simple as making sure you’re in the right strategy.

We’ll be there.

So that no matter what landmines blow up…

We’ll help you move around them into safety

Bottom Line: You get access to me and my team from Monday to Friday to ask ANY question you want.

So you don’t have to go it alone…

And so we can ensure you get the continued support you need to succeed with your first profitable US property investment.

Just ask, and let me and my team help 😊

So Let Me Ask You… 

What could you achieve having access to a mentor…

Who’s completed 100’s of fix and flips properties successfully.
What insights will you get when you have a mentor who’s invested successfully in the US.
Probably some pretty valuable ones, right? 
Well guess what…
The Investors Inner Circle is not just about getting my profitable investment advice.
Here’s a few more reasons why this program is unlike any you’ve experienced…
The moment you join everything changes.

First, You’re Going To Be Shipped The
Investor’s Inner Circle Welcome Pack”

Inside you will discover a perfect start to your journey in investing successfully.

Second: You’re Going To Get A Call With
My Team Right Away

That’s right – we want you to get the results we’ve promised ASAP.

So, to make that happen, we’re going to open up a time on our calendar so you can speak to our team right away.
Usually, you’d have to wait a couple of weeks to get on our calendar…
But now that you’re an Investor in our community – 
everything changes! 
  • Your level of support changes…
  • Your clarity on what you should be doing changes…
  • Your confidence in yourself and your next steps changes…
  • Your enthusiasm for the future changes…
  • And, of course, the speed of your success changes too! 

Third, You’ll Be Welcome Into Our
Community With Open Arms…

This is where you’ll be able to interact with me, my team and coaches, the community of amazing investors…

And where you’ll be able to ask questions about anything you’re stuck with on a daily basis.
Even find a member or our community to joint venture with.
We have an average response time of less than 60 minutes, Monday to Friday!
So if you’re stuck with a part of the Fix and Flip project, 
Or simply have a question about your investment, 
you’ll have the answers you need – fast!
Like I said, this is not like any coaching program you’ve experienced before.

And There’s Still So Much I Need To Tell

You About!


Every month I’m going to send you a physical “Training Kit’
Straight to your door.
And no…
This is NOT about teaching you 1001 different new strategies every month and say “good luck”.
The Investors Inner Circle is about getting you results,
So instead, I’ll send you a month strategy that’s working right now to produce amazing results in my investment business.
I give you the tools I use to help you do your own due diligence.
I give you my feasibility calculator that determines if you have sourced a deal.
Now just imagine this…
You complete ONE project, and see profits immediately…
No onto your next project and continue to grow your Investment Portfolio…
And guess what happens?
You have created a massive, passive high cashflow portfolio implemented for your lifestyle!
This is exactly why I’ve designed this program the way it is…
And why it’s different to anything else out there (and why more and more investors have joined me inside)…
Its not to overwhelm you with more fluff and investment marketing; gimmicks you don’t use…
It’s to take you by the hand, give you only what you need when you need it, and help you grow your own profitable lifestyle.
And then the fifth thing you get…(I think that’s what we’re up to!):

Two Live Group Training Calls A Month

It’s to answer any questions you might have about this
Months Training Kit…

And it’s to update you and walk you through strategies you implement today.

My investors love these calls because it gives them another level of access to me to ensure they’re on track and moving forward.

And if you miss a call?

No sweat!

We record all of them so you can review at a time...

Convenient for you


This may be my biggest perk of all…

You’re Also Getting Tickets to My
Live Workshops and Weekend Events!


Nothing beats support and implementation offline.
The reason I have these events (besides the fact it allows
me to meet you face-to-face and share with you even more secret weapons…
Is because it allows you to get A LOT done in a short amount of time,
by taking time away to focus on you and your investment portfolio for a few hours (workshop) or a few days…(weekend away).
You are able to get more stuff done in that time at my events, 
than what most do in 1 month at home!
Yes, these are ACTION events.
You learn…
You ask questions…
You implement.
And you take a gigantic leaf forward in your investment portfolio in just a couple of days.
Outside The Investors Inner Circle these weekend events are $5,000 to attend (and yes, I’ve had many students invest that amount!)…
But as an Investors Inner Circle member, I’m over-delivering 
and giving you tickets to come along as part of your 
investment in the program 
But there are two more benefits that I am incapable of putting a price tag on…
Want to collapse time and skyrocket your investments NOW?
If so, these two benefits are invaluable for you:
To save you hundreds of hours of research, searching and scouring to find good, trustworthy contacts on the ground in the US…
You will have access to MY TEAM!
I have spent almost 10 years developing a team of some of the best Real Estate professionals in the US, and now you can use them too.
Imagine having some of the best Realtors, best Property Managers, Title Companies, Insurance agents, Lenders and so much more…at your call.
Having spent so long in the market, I now have many, many deals come across my desk. Some are great, some are not so…
But the great ones…what if I could share these with you? 
Save you hundreds of hours of sourcing deals, and further…
With my negotiation strategies, then save you THOUSANDS off the cost of those deals?
Whether it is turnkey, tenanted cashflow rental properties at well UNDER market value
Distressed single family or multi family homes waiting to be brought back to their former glory,
giving 20, 25, even 30% uplift in equity for you to keep and tenant or sell and realise the profits.
Well, that’s exactly what you get!
Access to our exclusive ‘off market’ deals before anyone else sees them, and saving you up to tens of thousands off the retail buy prices
With that being said…

Here’s A Quick Recap of Everything
You’re Getting When You Join Me Inside
The Investors Inner Circle…

  • The Fix & Flip Academy Training Project ($1997) FREE
  • Your own personal US Investment Strategy Session with me or one of my coaches ($497) FREE
  • Plus everything inside of the Investors Inner Circle…
  • Investors Inner Circle Welcome Kit Sent To Your Door The Moment You Join…
  • Monday to Friday Q&A Access to Me and My Team to Ensure You’re Never Stuck and Always Moving Forward…
  • 1-on-1 Kick Off Coaching Call With One Of My Best Property Coaches to Help Accelerate Your Results…
  • Monthly Training Kits Delivered Direct to Your Door…
  • Live Coaching Calls Twice Per Month…
  • Complimentary Tickets to the Upcoming Workshops Quarterly Per Year
  • Complementary Tickets to the Upcoming Investors Weekend Events (These Run in different capital cities and are valued at $5000)
  • Access to my Boots on the Ground team in the US All Experienced Real Estate Professionals Ready to Help YOU…
  • Exclusive access to our ‘Off Market Deals Saving You Thousands Off the Prices and Hundreds of Hours of Searching…

Just a bit of value, right?! 

Especially considering if you were to buy it all separately
you’d be spending over $9,000! (worth over $20,000). 
(Which would still be a great deal, by the way.)
But I’m not going to make you pay anywhere near that today.
In fact…

Your Investment Is Going To Be A Just A
Fraction OF What It’s worth

Here’s the deal…

I’ve decided to create a super special way for you 
To get all the above at an incredibly low investment. 
So low, you might think I’ve gone a little crazy 
If you’re one of the first 100 to jump in you’re not going to pay
You’re not going to pay $1,000…
And you’re not even going to pay $500!
You can get The Fix &Flip Academy and all the free bonuses,
When you join me in the Investors Inner Circle at just…
A huge saving!
And yes, you can cancel at any time!
But again…

This Offer Could Come Down At any
Moment As There Are Only 100 Spots & I’m Promoting It To Thousands In My Database!

So if you’re interested in jumping in there’s not time to wait…

Click the button below, fill out your details and you can
get going immediately in the program.

Well, that’s it.

As mentioned, if you wake up tomorrow morning…
This 100 spots could be taken up and the offer might not be here anymore…
Click the button below, claim your spot before someone
else takes it, and you’ll be able to get going immediately.
I cannot wait to see you inside 
Lindsay Stewart
P.S. You Might also be wondering…
“Who else has tried this program?”
Is this really what I need right now?”
“Am I really getting something special here? Or is this just
another program that’s all promises and no delivery?”
If any or all of these concerns are going through your head…

I’d Like To Share With You Just a Few of Our Most Recent Success Stories From The Investors Inner Circle…

That way, you feel confidence in knowing what you’re coming into is the real deal.

P.P.S You might also have some questions before jumping in.

If so…
Here Are Our Top FAQs on The Fix and Flip Academy Project…
QUESTION #1 “How much time will this take?”
As much or as little as you wish, but you can expect to commit up to four to five hours a week…
QUESTION #2 How quickly can I get started?
Your access will arrive in your inbox within 5-10 minutes!
So as soon as you register by entering your details, you will get your logins immediately.
I don’t want you to wait around 
You’ll be able to start as quickly as you want, and my team and I are here in your corner every week for as long as you stay in The Investors Inner Circle Program.
QUESTION #3 Will I lose access to The Fix and Flip Academy if I cancel my Investors Inner Circle membership?
If you decide to cancel your membership, you’ll lose access to your current discounted price (the Investors Inner Circle is expected to increase to $289 AUD / month shortly for new members).
You’ll also lose access to all your Investor Inner Circle benefits including the Monthly Training Kits, free tickets to the Investors Weekends Away, Live twice-monthly Coaching Calls, the Facebook Members-only Group, and any courses you have been given complimentary inside the Investors Inner Circle.
QUESTION #4 What stage of Investing should I be in?
Any stage! No experience needed, we can supply all the training and support to get your first property, all the way through to experienced, professional investors looking for deals and networking opportunities to joint venture. The sky is the limit!
QUESTION #5 How quickly will I see a return on my investment?
Most properties can be purchased, renovated, tenanted/sold within six (6) months. But this varies due to a number of factors.
QUESTIONS #6 What other tools do I need?
Everything you need is within the Investors Inner Circle  🙂 
With that being said…
If you’re ready to start your Investment journey and join me inside The Fix and Flip Academy project, just click below now to reserve your spot before they’re all gone…
Well, that’s it…

As mentioned, this offer could expire at any moment.
To make sure you don’t miss out…
Click the button below to get going immediately and…
I cannot wait to see you inside 

And Receive The Fix and Flip Academy For FREE