
Top 7 Traits of A Successful Real Estate Investor

This weeks education piece, I thought we would look more generic and put in an article from recent Forbes Magazine (or is that eZine these days? or iZine says Apple? Anyway I digress)

Over this Christmas, New Year break it can be a good time to reflect and look at setting up for 2019 for your wealth strategies. Firstly as I mention briefly before, we are finally putting the finishing touches on our online Flipping Academy! If you have ever wanted to know how to source, renovate and sell your own “Fix and flip” property then this will be for you! Stay tuned early January for details on how to get onboard!

Secondly, it can be good to look at what makes a good Real Estate Investor. Why do more than 70% of investors never get more than 1 property, never really see the wealth that Real Estate can bring? This article can show what qualities you may have or can work on 🙂

Click the button below for the full article from “Forbes” or you will also find it posted on our Facebook site – Enjoy !!

Read The Article Here

The Revitalisation of Fitzgerald – Detroit MI

For today’s article, I want to highlight an area that I love investing in. Fitzgerald area in Detroit is fast becoming one of Detroit’s “go-to” suburbs. The city of Detroit have but together a plan to revitalise the entire area. Read on for more details and click the link below for the full story. Very apt given today’s – Deal of the Week as well! This is also an area we are heavily invested in and helping with the revitalisation.


The vision for the Fitzgerald Revitalization Project is to transform a quarter square mile area by addressing every publicly owned vacant lot and house. Removing blighted structures, beautifying vacant lots and creating homes for new residents will contribute to stabilization, increased property values, and improved quality of life. The City of Detroit has developed a three-part implementation strategy to create a sustainable model for transforming and maintaining all parcels within the Fitzgerald Project Area:

Creation of a neighborhood park and greenway to be maintained by the Parks and Recreation Department
Development of economically self-sustaining, productive landscapes in partnership with one or more Productive Landscape Developers or Development Teams (Productive Landscape Development RFP)
Rehabilitation of all salvageable, publicly-owned structures and implementation of low-maintenance landscape strategies in partnership with a Housing Developer (Housing Rehabilitation RFP).

The Project

The Fitzgerald Project Area identified within the larger Fitzgerald neighborhood was selected for this pilot because of the concentration of publicly-owned vacant lots and homes. This smaller project area also allows for the overall impact to be focused in a walkable, quarter-square mile area.

To start the project, the City of Detroit commissioned an award-winning landscape architecture firm, Spackman Mossop & Michaels (SMM), to work with the residents of the Fitzgerald Project Area to create a Neighbourhood Framework Plan. SMM assessed the range of existing conditions and created a flexible, interstitial landscape plan to activate and improve vacant land parcels in a way that addresses every publicly-owned parcel in the project area. The plan incorporated feedback from residents on current neighbourhood issues as well as amenities and uses they would like to see in their neighbourhood. The plan provides a framework that balances the needs for greater open space, community gathering and recreation, opportunities to develop new productive landscape projects, and the sustainability of long-term maintenance.

Five Best Cities to Invest in Rental Properties

When looking for rental properties, there are certain areas which offer a higher return on investment than others. Rental properties in areas that show prominent and steady job growth, population growth, and affordable cost of living are generally going to turn a bigger profit than a property in a high poverty area with little to no job growth.

Luckily, the United States seems to be chock-full of cities that match this description.

So where are these cities considered to be a best-buy? The top five cities to invest in stretch across the United States in various states showing that you don’t have to be on one particular cost to create a profitable rental portfolio.

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