The Right time is… NOW!

G’day all

We have all heard the term ‘time flies’ and it’s amazing how quickly it can.  The old saying ‘time and tide wait for no man’ is so true, and it does not matter what we do, we cannot slow the progress of time.

It’s funny how in fact it does seem to speed up as we get older… As a teenager we cannot wait until we are an adult so we can…vote (read drink…) but then once we have been in the workforce for a few years, we remember how simple our adolescence was and sometimes wish we had it back…

It was Einstein who knew that time was relative… 1 second with your hand on a hot stove seems like an hour; whilst a 3-hour dinner date with our loved one, seems like minutes…

But the ONE thing that is a constant, is that we all have 24 hours in a day. It’s how we use this time that differs from person to person.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good Netflix binge like the next guy, but I suppose the difference between success and mediocrity is the ability to prioritise time properly, and the understanding that we ONLY have 24 hours a day and need to use them wisely.

Nothing wrong with a good Netflix session, but this can be used as a reward, for achieving ‘the thing’ you were needing to do/finish/start. 

The other thing that lulls us into a false sense of security is that the feeling there will always be another 24 hours’ tomorrow…  Now for most of us that is true, but again, the issue here is that this is not a given either… 

No one would have guessed that Kobe Bryant would die at 41…nor the actor Kirk Douglas would make it to 103.  Understanding these are two well-known celebrities, but my point is, we certainly are not guaranteed tomorrow…

Yet we are quick to put off achieving the thing until ‘tomorrow’…

Or we say, I will do that when… <insert reasonable excuse here>.  But again, this is just a way of us justifying why we are not taking action now.  We feel better about ourselves if we have a reason we cannot do the thing today.

“Let’s wait until things are better; all lights are green; we have more money; we have more time…”

But the thing is… there will always be excuses… the time will never be ‘right’, it is just now…

There is no tomorrow, yesterday, later, there is always just now…

The past few weeks shows us that the universe will throw many obstacles in our way – bushfires, virus outbreaks, trade wars, and I am certain you will have had your own personal challenges as well (man, have we had ours!)

But the point I want to drive home here is this… there is no tomorrow/later/right time… there is only now.  We only ever always have this moment, right now…

It’s the decisions that we make in this moment that will affect the rest of our lives, however long that is blessed to be.

Happy Investing all! And have a great weekend!!